证劵配资 0110 Cui Cui Island|智利南部的避世小岛

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    证劵配资 0110 Cui Cui Island|智利南部的避世小岛

    发布日期:2024-08-22 23:46    点击次数:67

    证劵配资 0110 Cui Cui Island|智利南部的避世小岛


    关注「岛鸣国际 - GLOBAL DOMAIN」


    如果你对神秘的南美洲心生向往,那么除了巴西之外,智利的私人岛屿也是不错的选择。本期分享位于智利南部湖区的Cui Cui Island。

    If you find yourself drawn to the mysteries of South America, then beyond the allure of Brazil, Chile's private islands offer an enticing alternative. In this issue, we present Cui Cui Island, located in the picturesque lake district of southern Chile.

    Cui Cui Island位于风景如画的普耶韦湖中,靠近壮观的安蒂兰卡滑雪中心和普耶韦国家公园。这里距离奥索尔诺约70公里,距离该地区机场约50分钟车程,从大陆的私人码头乘船5分钟便可抵达。

    Cui Cui Island is nestled in the stunning Puyehue Lake, close to the magnificent Antilanca ski center and Puyehue National Park. It is approximately 70 kilometers from Osorno and a 50-minute drive from the local airport. From a private mainland dock, you can reach the island with a quick 5-minute boat ride.


    This private island spans about 30 acres with beautiful trails winding through it. As you explore, you'll be treated to views of turquoise waters, the snow-capped Andes, and the majestic Puyehue Volcano. The island boasts lush vegetation, primarily ancient forest, providing a rich habitat for diverse wildlife, making its ecological environment exceptional.


    The island's architecture is uniquely designed to blend seamlessly with its natural surroundings, preserving its pristine beauty. There are three cabins on the island, offering nearly 5,000 square feet of living space, including 13 bedrooms, 32 beds, and 10 full and half bathrooms. The cabins also feature a dining area, kitchen, laundry room, a game room, and a house for the caretaker.


    Island amenities include a private dock, observation deck, and leisure areas, where you can enjoy the tranquility of the lake or take in panoramic views from the observation platform. Additionally, the property comes with a motorboat and several small boats for water activities.

    Cui Cui Island不仅是一个放松的圣地,也是一个充满冒险精神的目的地。湖泊及其周边区域适合各种水上活动,如皮划艇、钓鱼和划船等。岛屿的徒步小径和周边森林也为探险爱好者提供了丰富的探险机会。岛上的生态环境非常适合鸟类观察和野生动物观察,火山和山脉的地形变化也为户外爱好者提供了众多探险路线。

    Cui Cui Island is not just a sanctuary for relaxation but also a haven for adventure. The lake and surrounding area are perfect for various water sports, such as kayaking, fishing, and boating. The island’s hiking trails and nearby forests offer ample opportunities for exploration. Its ecological environment is ideal for bird watching and wildlife observation, while the volcanic and mountainous terrain provides numerous adventure routes for outdoor enthusiasts.

    无论你是在寻找一个宁静的度假胜地,还是渴望与自然亲密接触的冒险体验,Cui Cui Island都能满足你的需求,并为你提供一场无与伦比的视觉与心灵盛宴。该岛是永久产权私人岛屿,目前正在出售中,售价为320万美金。如有兴趣,欢迎私信咨询(微信号:GD-Karen)。

    Whether you're seeking a serene getaway or an adventurous connection with nature, Cui Cui Island can fulfill your desires, offering an unparalleled feast for the eyes and soul. This island is a freehold private island currently for sale at $3.2 million. If interested, please feel free to contact us (WeChat: GD-Karen).


    Thanks for your time. Until next time!



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    Global Domain 「岛鸣国际」是私人岛屿生活方式的倡导者,致力于提供全球范围内真实有效的私人岛屿销售信息及配套服务。在后疫情和地缘政治冲突风险加大的新时代背景下,为高净值人群对资金安全和人身安全的双重需求提出创新性的解决方案。


